Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Advertising - Gender and Social Stereotypes Essay

Marilyn Monroe, Marlboro Man, Hugh Heffner, Pamela Anderson, and The Rock are all examples of the society of idols whom the American public has looked up to in various media forms. In today’s society there are many gender and social stereotypes that remain a prevalent part of the advertising tactics of the media. In the particular ad that I have chosen are examples of gender stereotypes that I would like to analyze and discuss using Douglas Kellner’s article â€Å"Advertising Images†. Kellner states that the tobacco industry in both the past and present use subliminal messages with the intention of portraying lifestyles and choices to the American public. Cigarette ads in particular, Kellner argues, â€Å"contribute to identity formation in†¦show more content†¦The fact that the woman is well-dressed and seemingly high society also adds to the desire of the â€Å"everyman† to attain â€Å"their very identity† (Kellner, 189) from the influe nces of this ad. What woman wouldn’t want power, status, perfect features, and men falling at her every move? And, of course, this can all be attained simply by smoking Camel cigarettes. Similarly the men are also being shown â€Å"socially desirable and meaningful traits† (Kellner 189). Men are being shown an existence where they could attain everything they so desire, a beautiful and sexy woman, a great job, as evidenced by their classy attire, and a happy lifestyle devoid of care and worry. These are definitely all characteristics that men strive to attain, and the ad is also promoting its product at the same time. There are two interpretations given of men in this ad. The first is that if men find a woman who smokes Camel cigarettes they will have everything they desire. The second is that if men purchase Camel for themselves, they can obtain everything. In either interpretation the existence of Camel is involved but the follow-up action is up to the individual con sumer as to whether he chooses to use the cigarettes or not. This particular Camel ad â€Å"depicts how something as seemingly innocuous as advertising can depict significant shifts in modes and models of identity† (Kellner 193) and how it can speak to a larger public about the values and goals of life as a largerShow MoreRelatedWomen And Women Are Like Dogs1544 Words   |  7 Pagesdifferences between the genders. Advertisers capitalize on the fact that men and women are different in order to persuade individuals to consume products and services. Advertising is an important medium in modern society and is used to influence many of the purchasing decisions made by male and female consumers. It is a powerful tool that expresses, develops and alters ideas of gender and social class. 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History - WOMEN IN ADVERTISEMENTS AND BODY IMAGE Authors have also attempted to correlate various demographic variables such as age and education, as well as geographic variables with preferences for role portrayals in advertising. Through the ages men have been considered to be financial providers,Read MoreGender Portrayal Of Gender Roles953 Words   |  4 Pageswomen continue to be depicted in very distinct gender roles throughout the mainstream media (Eisend, 2010; Lull, Hanson, Marx, 1977; Collins, 2011). This gender stereotyping effect is especially prevalent within advertising. Because advertisements in the media frequently rely on gender roles to promote products and services (Eisend, 2010), research examining the effects of gender portrayals in advertising has become increasingly important in the social and behavioral sciences. 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Methodology In order to add ress the research propositions of the study, the encore needed a method for mention the types of pistillate portrayals featuring in the context of consumer magazine advertisements. Content analysis was chosenRead MoreGender Stereotypes : Advertising Makes Sense Financially For Those Advertising Essay1149 Words   |  5 Pages The purpose of this research paper is to prove that using gender stereotypes in advertising makes sense financially for those advertising. It argues that by using stereotypical examples of the â€Å"in group† of it’s target audience the goal of the advertisement will more likely be achieved. This paper addresses but does not dispute the idea that using stereotypes in advertising can have negative effects on its audience. 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State the claim the study supports The scholarly article I am reviewing is a research article that did two separate examinations on the role of humor in gender stereotypes. The first one is the role of humor seen in television advertisements and the second looks at peoples attitudes toward humorous and non-humorous ads that have gender stereotypes in them and how that would affect a persons desireRead MoreSocial Psychologists And The Human Information Processing System1632 Words   |  7 Pagesaddition, for two of the interviews, a feminist deconstructionist methodology was employed to pursue the underlying gender conceptions of each informant. Informants were asked whether they could imagine the women in the ads as men, or vice versa, in order to uncover traits and values so habitually defined as masculine or feminine that they are unimaginable in the other sex. (Stem, 1993) Social psychologists have argued that schema, networks of memory-based associations that organize and guide an individual

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Love Of Sports Can Start At An Early Age - 846 Words

The love of sports can start at an early age. Many parents start involving their child or children into sports during Elementary School. Involving a child into sports can help a child connect with other genders, the media, other races, the school system, and religion. A child can also face many challenges and gain several of strengths by participating in sports. Last but not least, there are some changes that should be made within sports. To begin with, I took the time out to interview a young male by the name of Mihkail Woods. He is in high school. He has played sports since he was 7 years old. Mihkail parents have involved him in a variety of sports such as baseball, basketball, and football. Also, he finds sports to play a major role within his life. As the interview started, I asked Mihkail Do you see yourself being involved with sports in any kind of way for the rest of your life?, and his response was Yes, I see myself as being a professional basketball player, and teaching my kids how to play sports in the future. As you can tell, Mihkail is heavily involved within sports, and wanting to pass his love and enjoyment of sports down from generation to generation. Next, I ask Mihkail What are some connections you have through playing sports? Moore 2 His response was I have made many connections with other sex (Girls), the media (news), other races, religion belief, and the school system. He went into details about his connection through sports. He talkedShow MoreRelatedSports Is The Most Dangerous Sport1464 Words   |  6 PagesIn today’s society, sports are the main highlight in the lives of youth, collegiate, and some adults. Many boys and girls have hopes and dreams of one day becoming a professional athlete. Many people are so involved in the love of the game, that they are unaware if the dangers their children are in. The most dangerous sport involves the lives of males. Over the past decade, many athletes have died or have brain problems because of so many hits to the head, causing them to have a concussion. Read MoreShould Execptionally Talented Young Athletes Be Allowed to Play Professional Sports When They Are Still in Their Early Teens Even If They Have to Move Away from Home and Leave School?896 Words    |  4 PagesALLOWED TO PLAY PROFESSIONAL SPORTS WHEN THEY ARE STILL IN THEIR EARLY TEENS EVEN IF THEY HAVE TO MOVE AWAY FROM HOME AND LEAVE SCHOOL? Many believe that all of the hard work starts early. Like the saying says â€Å"he early bird gets the worm.† But is that all that sport is really about? I use to think that the answer to that question was yes! I feel that there are more disadvantages to sport specialization than there are advantages. Do you realize that  sports affect  us all in one way or anotherRead MoreShould Execptionally Talented Young Athletes Be Allowed to Play Professional Sports When They Are Still in Their Early Teens Even If They Have to Move Away from Home and Leave School?881 Words   |  4 PagesALLOWED TO PLAY PROFESSIONAL SPORTS WHEN THEY ARE STILL IN THEIR EARLY TEENS EVEN IF THEY HAVE TO MOVE AWAY FROM HOME AND LEAVE SCHOOL? Many believe that all of the hard work starts early. Like the saying says â€Å"he early bird gets the worm.† But is that all that sport is really about? I use to think that the answer to that question was yes! I feel that there are more disadvantages to sport specialization than there are advantages. 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Are Art Woks Forgeable Essay Example For Students

Are Art Woks Forgeable Essay I believe that some art works are forge-able and others are not. This depends solely on the type of work the art is, for example a painting may be forged but a piece of music may not. Paintings can be seen as to be finished when the original artist finishes painting, after this the act of creating the artwork is complete. Therefore if another artist paints the same thing, exactly identical to the original, it is said to be forged. By looking at these 2 paintings side by side, they may appear to be identical, and even a professional artist may not be able to tell which is the original and which has been forged. This makes it hard to argue that one is real and the other forged, as we may be unable to tell the difference between the 2 pieces until some one informs us as to which was painted by whom. Because they may look identical to an observer, does this mean that they are both as aesthetically pleasing as each other? Or is that dependent in who has painted it and why? I believe that the aesthetic value within a painting or sculpture is not only to do with what happens when one simply looks at it but also what a person feels or experiences while looking at the painting. Another factor may be what the original artist wanted to portray in this piece of art. The fundamental thing to consider in determining forgery is â€Å"intent to deceive†. So for example a layman attempting to pass one of his paintings off as a Picasso, is deliberately deceiving as he is claiming to be something he is not. In contrast an orchestra performing apiece by Beethoven is not forgery as it was written to be performed and they are not claiming that it is an original piece, they are simply performing the piece Beethoven composed. Taking music as an example of an artwork that cannot be forged, we look at the issue of composer and the actual performance. Is the artwork complete after a composer finishes writing the score for a particular piece? This cannot be true as then the piece will never have been performed or heard by an audience. In this sense we can described it as being a 2 stage art work. We may describe paintings and other artworks similar to these such as sculptures and even buildings autographic, if any duplication of them is said to be a fake. Thus we may describe music as allographic and therefore cannot be forged. To discuss this question we must first look at a definition of sex. This may be difficult as sex can refer to a number of things, especially if we are talking about sexual activity rather than sex in general. In the traditional sense of the word, sex is described as penile-vaginal intercourse (PVI) between a heterosexual male and female partner. This view has been widely criticized over the past number of years by many philosophers. This view is very heteronormative and therefore excludes all other forms as sex, such as oral or anal sex, which many would describe as a type of sexual activity. Sex in the broader sense of the term would include acts such as oral and anal sex, although these acts may only involve one partner’s sexual organs. The difference between these forms of sex and PVI sex can mainly be seen through the significance that people place on them. For example many heterosexual couples may engage in non-penetrative sex as an alternative to PVI to avoid pregnancy or preserve their virginity, also they might use these forms of sexual activity before having full sex. This shows the different significance that is placed on many different types of sex. .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f , .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f .postImageUrl , .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f , .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f:hover , .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f:visited , .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f:active { border:0!important; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f:active , .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Aatumetid end Nun-Aatumetid Dete: EssayI believe that sex is not strictly for heterosexual couples engaging in penetrative sex, but can also include a variety of other forms of sexual activity. This then includes forms of sex for homosexual couples and also masturbation. ?Masturbation can also be classed as sexual activity even though it only involves one participant. Masturbation may be penetrative or non penetrative and may involve objects such as sex toys. This does not seem to fall under the same category of sex but can definitely be classed as a sexual activity and therefore does involve genitalia. If I compare sex to a painting I can illustrate my point further. For a painting to fundamentally be a painting there must be paint involved, without having paint it simply becomes another form of artwork, similarly, sex that doesnt involve genitalia becomes a different act all together. People may argue things like fetishes or kinks can be sex, but even tho these acts do not involve direct contact of genitalia, they still involve arousal which in turn involves the reproductive organs. ?Due to the points I have discussed, I support the conclusion that in humans, sex is an activity, which necessarily involves genitalia.